A Bit About Us
Compass Church began in 2012 when a small number of people decided to sell up and move to Wellingborough to start a Church. Our first 2 services were in Paul and Karen’s living room, with kids church taking place in the kitchen and outside on the green.
After moving from school halls to other hired venues, we finally got the keys to our lovely building in 2022. 10 years of moving from place to place, unpacking and setting up every Sunday morning to only pack back down again ready for the following week has taught us a lot - primarily that the Church is not a building but the people. So whether we meet in a school hall, our current building or outside in a field, God is not bound by any constraints and will keep on building His Church.

Over the years we have seen God move in such incredible ways. People have committed to following Jesus. Young and old have grown in their faith and understanding of God and His plan for their life. Lives have been transformed, people have been healed and set free from all manner of burdens and lonely people have found a family.
God has been good to us and the greatest thing of all - He is still working!
Our Mission
Why we exist
By the grace of God Compass Church exists to see people changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and to represent the love and goodness of God.

Our Values
Who we are
Grace: We rejoice in God’s grace and freely give it to others.
Love: We are loved by God and seek to love one another as Christ has loved us.
Compassion: We desire to be compassionate to others who are lost, broken, lonely and/or in need.
Service: As Christ served us on the cross, we want to serve God, His Church and our community.
Stewardship: God has blessed us with so much and we want to use our time, abilities and finances to build His Kingdom.
Joy: No matter what life throws our way we want to be full of the Joy of the Lord.
Humility: We don’t want to think more highly of ourselves or less of others.
Respect: All people, no matter what their social status, should be treated with respect and not thought less of.
Integrity: Christ set us the ultimate example of how to live and we seek to imitate that with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Truth: Jesus testified and stood up for the truth no matter what the cost and we will endeavour to do likewise regardless of what the culture says.
Community: A unified community is what Christ died for so we want to strive to put each other first and work together for the good of the community of God.
People: People matter more than programmes and every person has value and meaning because they are made in God’s image.

Our Vision
We envision us being a vibrant, welcoming and growing multicultural Church that is a true representation of Wellingborough and the surrounding areas. We believe we are meant to make a difference in our community and we see ourselves being involved in meeting the needs of people young and old, rich or poor and welcoming many into a faith-filled relationship with God.
The Eldership Team
Paul supported by his wife Karen are our senior leaders. Supporting Paul and Karen in leading and overseeing the church are Ian and Wendy our elder and his wife.
What We Believe
When it comes to beliefs, it is fair to say that some things are fundamental and necessary for a Church to be built upon. Likewise, there are other things that are important but not necessarily something that has to be agreed upon for believers to walk in fellowship. Then there are other things that are simply a matter of opinion. Sadly, many times people fall out and break fellowship over needless differences of opinion which must really break God’s heart. How many songs should be sung during worship, which Bible translation we should use, how long the sermons are or how we set the chairs out are not things we should fall out over.
Depending on the level of importance you hold of other various beliefs that Christians have different views on, such as the roles of leadership, may mean that whilst you could attend a Church for the odd Sunday it isn’t the right one for you to call home and that’s OK. There are many well respected leaders on both sides of the coin in certain matters who respect one another but build according to their interpretation of the scriptures.
We have listed the core beliefs which Compass Church is founded upon so you can see what matters most to us.
Core Beliefs
God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit; 1 divine being in 3 persons.
The world is not here by accident, God created the Heavens and the Earth and every good thing.
We are created in His image.
He is a loving God who saves people from a very real Hell.
Irrelevant of upbringing, instilled values or beliefs, previous actions, current situations or problems, God loves every one of us.
Community and family are at the centre of God’s heart.
Jesus walked this Earth fully man, and is fully God.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is good news, to be celebrated without compromise.
Jesus Christ is the only name through which salvation is found.
Jesus paid the price for all our wrongdoing, taking on Himself what we deserve.
Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ are made new and transformed by the renewing of their mind.
There is power in the name of Jesus, through which miracles can and do happen today.
Holy Spirit
A relationship with the Holy Spirit is paramount to an effective Christian walk.
The Holy Spirit wishes to be involved in every area of our lives, not just on a Sunday.
The gifts of the Spirit are available for us today, to deepen our walk with Him, and to bear witness to the greatness of God.
Our actions do not earn us a place in Heaven, it’s only through the grace of Jesus Christ.
Full immersion baptism is a biblical command and a natural progression following a salvation experience.
Our responsibilities are to make disciples, through worship, word and prayer.
Honesty and integrity are paramount to living a God-centred life.
The Bible
The Bible, in its entirety is God’s word to man; it is relevant, accurate and that on which we build all our beliefs and values.
The Church
All believers should be part of a local Church where they can serve and be discipled.

Compass Church, a non-denominational congregation, is part of Ministers Fellowship Global (MFG), a network connecting churches worldwide. Founded by Colin Cooper, a member of Compass, MFG provides vital support and guidance to church leaders globally. Through MFG, Compass connects with like-minded leaders for advice and encouragement, hosting guest speakers and attending regional and annual conferences for worship and equipping.